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Back to School


As the kiddos head back to school and start fun new activities, you´ll probably have some laundry challenges thrown
your way: grass stains, grotty backpacks, ink and paint splotches, you name it. But not to worry, we´ve got some laundry
hacks to help you keep everyone clean. 

1. For sports stuff, skip the hamper. Don't let that sweaty gear fester in a gym bag or stink up the hamper. Take it straight from the car to the wash, then put it back in the car as soon as it's dry. No more stinky clothes or forgotten uniforms!

2. Teach the kids to do laundry. Younger kids can sort their clothes into color-coded generous Eco Wash Bags, and older kids can do their own wash: teach them to read labels, use the washer and hand-wash their swimsuits and other delicates with Soak, and they'll be all set for when they leave home.

3. Send a Soak care pack with your college/university-bound kids. Throw in some Soak for hand-washing (who wants to schlep to the laundry room or laundromat all the time?), a bottle of Flatter for freshening clothes and releasing wrinkles, and a Minnie or Phil basin for washing clothes and storing their stuff.

4. Use Soak to tackle tough stains. Dab some undiluted Soak on the stain and let it sit for a bit before you wash it. Soak works on food stains, grease, sweat, grass – or whatever the new school year throws your way!

5. Clean those backpacks on the regular. Getting rid of squished food, leaky pens and mysterious sticky spots isn't hard. Most backpacks can be hand washed: get the scoop on backpack care here.